You want your beloved animal companions to be as happy, healthy and comfortable as possible.
Our animal friends can be subject to many of the same physical and emotional challenges that beset us. Sometimes we know exactly what ails them, but in other instances, we have only clues that alert us to their suffering or discomfort.
Whether your friend is experiencing pain or discomfort from physical injury, stress, or a chronic condition, Massage and Craniosacral Therapy can provide support to improve a wide range of conditions. In particular, BCST is wonderful for animals that have experienced shock, trauma, acute injury or abuse.
In my work with animals over the years, I have found that they respond extremely well to these therapies. Treatment generally tends to progress with ease, as animals remain embodied, even as they have adapted to their lifestyle in communion with us. Their nervous systems tend to maintain great resiliency and coherence. They quite readily drop into the restorative function of the parasympathetic nervous system, the place from which treatment begins